
IPv6 Token

In rebuilding my servers with a newer os, I had to review how to set an IPv6 token. The first thing that you may be asking yourself is what is an IPv6 token exactly? To keep it very simple it allows for the first part/half of the address to be dynamic while the second part/half is something you can assign statically. This is helpful for me as I can have shorter addresses for the server systems and full-length ipv6 addresses for systems and devices that have no interface to them. So how does one do this in Rocky Linux 9?

Switching to Mastodon

This will be a short post. With everything that has been going on with twitter, to me it just has become a toxic waste dump. I am switching from even really looking at twitter as a viable news source option. While I will maintain an account there, I will not use it for interactions if at all possible. Instead I would urge people to move to Mastodon. I would also suggest if you are able to, stand up their own instance. This way people can do what they want and I can isolate the shit from actually reaching me and the bots that I will eventually stand up. Perhaps that is a future posting of how to stand up a mastodon server. For now if you need me: @mindlesstux@mindlesstux.com

Using Cactus Comments with Jekyll

With my switching to using Jekyll and wanting to still have a comment system on my posts. I set out looking at my options. There were many options out there and some were better in ways than my final choice. Such as Disqus. My friend and ex-coworker uses it on his blog. While it offers a nice little interface and allows for logins from popular services, it just did not feel right for me to use. Most of the ones I found all controlled the data, aka I would not host it.

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