
iDRAC 7 – LetsEncrypt Wildcard Cert

So I have a few “hand me down” dell servers. The ones I use right now have iDRAC 7 in them. I have always been annoyed at the SSL warning that comes up. I thought about rolling my own CA and generating my own certs. I shot that down though as some times I pull up the iDRACs remotely from systems where I don’t want to install the custom root cert. I finally took the time to figure out how to take the Let’s Encrypt free SSL cert and apply it to the iDRACs. This is mainly due to they started issuing wildcard certs as of today.

So step one, reissue all my certs into one nice wildcard cert. Took a bit of effort but to make things simple for others that may find this. Install certbot-auto on a linux system and run something like:

./certbot-auto certonly --rsa-key-size=4096 -d -d * --server --manual

Follow the prompts and setup the verification checks as requested. If all goes well you will get a nice little dump of you have a new cert and it lives at /etc/letsencrypt/live/

From there I scp’ed the private key and the full chain down to my windows vm where I have racadm installed. For quick finding for those that need racadm installed on a windows system. (Download, unzip, run installer, good to go) After that all that was needed is to run 3 commands in a command prompt in the directory where the two files I scp’ed to the system.

racadm -r -u adminuser -p adminpass sslkeyupload -t 1 -f privkey.pem
racadm -r -u adminuser -p adminpass sslcertupload -t 1 -f fullchain.pem
racadm racreset

After the iDRAC reset itself after those commands, I now had a shiny and valid SSL cert. There can be a small hiccup, and you may get a system that says “The Remote RACADM interface is disabled”. As long as you have trust in your firewalls, Overview->iDRAC Settings->Network->Services->Remote RACADM->Tick the enabled box and apply.

Next up to see if I can make Java not complain when loading the virtual console. Or perhaps scripting this some how to automatically check daily if new cert was issued and pull/push.

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