
Fix for Java 8+ & iDRAC 6 Connection Failed

For work I recently had to stand up a temporary system that has the old iDRAC 6 in it. Many will know that Java 8+ (from my testing) seems to have a disliking for that version of iDRAC. I spent a day grumbling at the error while standing next to the offending system in the data center watching the OS hang on install. After doing some digging this morning I found the key that kills the connection. SSLv3.

So thanks to MathieuW on the dell community forums for posting this info!

Go to Java installation folder.
Open {JRE_HOME}\lib\security\ -file in text editor.
Delete or comment out the following line “jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3”.

My notes, open the file in notepad++ as admin, just comment out the whole line. Save. Re-Launch your virtual console.

*edit 2022 Feb 15th*
Ubuntu 20.04 location of said file:
Might be slightly different if a different package is installed.

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