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msg.payload[0];\n cm_lockstatus = msg.payload[1];\n cm_modulation = msg.payload[2];\n cm_channelid = msg.payload[3];\n // Remove the \" Hz\"\n cm_frequency = msg.payload[4];\n cm_frequency = cm_frequency.substring(0, cm_frequency.length-3);\n // Remove the \" dBmV\"\n cm_power = msg.payload[5];\n cm_power = cm_power.substring(0, cm_power.length-4);\n // Remove the \"dB\"\n cm_snr = msg.payload[6];\n cm_snr = cm_snr.substring(0, cm_snr.length-3);\n cm_corrected = msg.payload[7];\n cm_uncorrectables = msg.payload[8];\n \n sql = \"INSERT INTO cable_modem_downstream (timestamp,channel,channelid,lockstatus,modulation,frequency,power,snr,corrected,uncorrectables) VALUES(\" + cm_timestamp + \", \" + cm_channel + \", \" + cm_channelid + \", '\" + cm_lockstatus + \"', '\" + cm_modulation + \"', \" + cm_frequency + \", \" + cm_power + \", \" + cm_snr + \", \" + cm_corrected + \", \" + cm_uncorrectables + \");\";\n} else if (msg.direction == \"upstream\") {\n cm_channel = msg.payload[0];\n cm_lockstatus = msg.payload[1];\n cm_channeltype = msg.payload[2];\n cm_channelid = msg.payload[3];\n cm_symbolrate = msg.payload[4];\n cm_symbolrate = cm_symbolrate.substring(0, cm_symbolrate.length-9);\n cm_frequency = msg.payload[5];\n cm_frequency = cm_frequency.substring(0, cm_frequency.length-3);\n cm_power = msg.payload[6];\n cm_power = cm_power.substring(0, cm_power.length-5);\n sql = \"INSERT INTO cable_modem_upstream (timestamp,channel,channelid,lockstatus,channeltype,symbolrate,frequency,power) VALUES(\" + cm_timestamp + \", \" + cm_channel + \", \" + cm_channelid + \", '\" + cm_lockstatus + \"', '\" + cm_channeltype + \"', \" + cm_symbolrate + \", \" + cm_frequency + \", \" + cm_power + \");\"\n} else {\n sql = \"SELECT NOW()\";\n}\n\nmsg = {};\nmsg.topic = sql;\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "x": 500, "y": 260, "wires": [ [ "18706122.d4ebd7", "5d713bf7.61b4dc" ] ] }, { "id": "18706122.d4ebd7", "type": "debug", "z": "91a0acfd.f9bd5", "name": "SQL", "active": 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